At the beginning all is dark, and have to find your way. It is simple; go forward. Some dialogs are shown on the way. At bottom of the screen there is a small line with your posizion in the scene and your direction; it can help Some dialogs are shown on the way. At the end a light swith on and you can see that you are in a long corridor, with high columns, at the end a door you have to cross. There is no way to return to this scene when you leave it. The door will not open if you have missed some dialog.
In the second scene you are in a wide hall, fulls of ghosts and image of pain and sorrow, hight columns of corpses are in fornt of you. The exit is a little wooden door at far right in front of you, but it is closed. The door behind you is also closed. You have to find and wear the sword to go on.
The sword is into a column, wich appears only after you have visited a number of little scenes in the hall. The first two scenes are at right and left of the entrance, other two scenes are at the righe and left ends of the columnade. Then you see the column but you can't enter the column yet. Go to the big face in front, for a dialog. Now you can enter the column and take the sword.
Now you are in the third scene, it seems void, but there is a naked, desperade girl in a corner. (A fable light can help to find her) There is a dialog with different choices, you have to choose the option:"help her", the option: "follow her wish" leads to a bad ending scene. Save before the choice.
In the forth scene you are in a labyrint. This is the most difficult puzzle of the game. Don't go wandering at random in the labyrint, there are two straight path in front of you, you have to walk across these two. There are ghosts images you can cross and paths blocked by chains. To unblock tha paths you have to drive the girl thought the gosts. Don't left her behind, she is slow and can't reach you if you are beyond a corner. When you have to clear in turn both path. There are two exit that lead to two alternative paths in the story.
The exit at right leads to a desolated land. There is a witch at bottom right who want to take the girl, you can speack with her, then go to the exit: shown by the tails at left of the house. You can go back to the labyrint if you wish.
The next scene is a desolated crossroad, there are exits, represented by gates. At left there is a way to the other path in the story, going ahead you reach a next scene.
This scene is a camp with groups o mens sitting around fires. You can speack with them, one of them suggests you to go to a famous blacksmith, the path is a bit hidden behind some stones.
A corridor leads to the forge of the smith. He is in the house, speack with him, Behind the house there is a library with a monk and an opened book on a wooden block. To have a sort of spoiler you have to lead the girl to read the book, (make her collide with the wooden block) than read the book yourself. There is nothine else in this path of the story, you have to go back to continue. You can return to the labirynt exit or use the path of the crossroad for a shortcut.
The exit of labyring at left leads to a green land, there is an house, with an old man, speack with him. The exit is shown by a path of stones. The next scene is a green crossroad, the right path leads to the desolated crossroad, the nord exit to a path to a village.
The village has guads at the entry, some shops and some people to talk with. It may be a little difficult to make the girl collide with people, to trigger some auxuliary dialogs, but try.
The road to Tulm is at upper right, but is is blocked by a dragon, you have to go to the palace and accept the job to clean the road to proceed.
The town of Tulm is almost empy, all are attending the ritual, you can speack with an obsessed monk and to a merchant, in the lateral rooms. Then go near the front door, at right, to make her find an old friend. After the scene you can go to the door upon the stairs to finish the game. Once there you ca't go back.