The game has been written using the C++ language, and Ogre3D as a graphics rendering engine.

For sounds OpenAL has been used.

For drawing 3D objects in scenes I have used Blender I'm stuck with version 2.79, newer versions are an overkill for simple shapes to export to Ogre. Blender is becoming a complex tool to make videos.

Characters are done with MakeHuman , and animated in Blender. A first choice was ManuelBastioni Lab , but the author dropped the project, continued for some years by volunteers as MB-Lab.

The idea driving the program structure is a model of interaction inspired by the usual interaction between humans: there is no real interaction, but each object in the game has a set of fixed responses triggered by collision with other objects or by the phases of the game.

As a result the game is entirely scripted. If you are curious and have installed the snap, can see the scripts in "/snap/lostmem/current/dati". The source code of the game has not be released and a manual describing the scripts is not available.

Sounds, Images, textures are taken from internet, searching to use material with a permissive license. Giving the right attribution to the material is difficult; images are today copied and redistributed in a very wild way and is difficult to find the original author.

Environmental sounds are from or Some images in scene 2 are from sculptures by Rodin, there is also the "Gates of Hell" Some ghosts, in scene 4, are pictures of the wonderful sculptures by Luo Li Rong The columns in scene 2 are from Vigeland, they are in the Vigeland park in Oslo. There are also images of mosaics of churches in Ravenna, the door of the baptistery of Pisa, the "battle of Anghiari", by Leonardo da Vinci (as copied by Rubens), "the battle of Cascina", by Michelangelo, "Guernica", by Pable Picasso, "Damns fall to hell" by Rubens, and something from Frans Francken, Louis Dyer, Roland Rense, Tony Sandoval, Anne Curry, I hope they will not complain if I have used their material.